Visit MARIN - Maritime Research Institute / Focus on Underwater Radiated Noise am 18.04.2023

MARIN, the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands, Haagsteeg 2, 6708 PM Wageningen, Niederlande
(Google Maps)
Anmeldeschluss: 04.04.2023

Invitation and organisation by WISTA The Netherlands: 

Please inform about you mobile number when you register. Johanna will try to organize a car sharing group. 


We (WISTA The Netherlands) are pleased to invite you to visit MARIN, the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands in Wageningen on 18th April 2023 organized by WISTA Netherlands.

We will have a special tour through the facilities, followed by presentations on the topic of underwater sound in shipping. Attached you will find an information brochure about MARIN (WELCOME to MARIN).

One of these talks is about a highly relevant research project in which are currently involved our WISTA member Federica Pace and her colleague Johanna Daniel from WISTA Germany. Their work will directly impact European regulations on Underwater Sound which have not yet entered into force, but will be expected from the Marine Environment Protection Committee in the upcoming years. 

We are delighted to have the opportunity to set up this event sponsored generously by MARIN. 

The program: 

14:00 Entrance

14:15 Tour through the facilities 

16:00 Presentation MARIN

16:30 JASCO Applied Sciences & DW-ShipConsult on the topic "Underwater Sound - what can we expect for the future?"

17:30 Drinks and Bites

18:30 End

Looking forward to seeing many of you.

Registration Deadline: 10.04.2023


Haagsteeg 2

6708 PM Wageningen

The Netherlands


Johanna Daniel




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