EU KnowHowTransfer vom 09.10.2016 bis 13.10.2016 (= 5 Tage)

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09.10.2016 - 13.10.2016 (= 5 Tage)

The 2016 JCI European Know-How Transfer will take place in Brussels from October 9 to 13, 2016. Please find the draft program below.  

Anmeldung unter

Teilnahmegebühr für die 5 Tage: 149€

Sunday, October 9: Arrival day

Arrival and registration

workshops about the European Institutions and on how to make the most of your visit to the European Parliament

Monday, October 10: European Commission

Meeting & Registration at the European Commission

Discussions with officials of the European Commission 

Lunch in the European Commission

Panel discussion and group work on young entrepreneurship 

Tuesday, October 11: European Parliament

Meeting & Registration at the European Parliament

Welcome speech by MEP Siegfried Muresan (EPP, Romania) in the European Parliament

Followed by individual “shadowing“ program with the Members of the European Parliament

Wednesday, October 12: European Parliament

All day individual program with the Members of the European Parliament (please organize the program as well as the entrance to the Parliament with your MEP's office)

Thursday, October 13: European Parliament 

In the morning individual program with the Members of the European Parliament

Closing speech by MEP Siegfried Muresan (EPP, Romania) in the European Parliament and final remarks

after 15h00 indiviual departure


Note: Times will follow. The program is open to minor changes.


Please take a look at and check out MEPs you would like to follow in the three days at the European Parliament. Have a look at the agenda of the different committees to find out which topics interest you and which committees you would like to join during your days at the Parliament.


